
Exhibition - 6th - 28th* September 2024 - Art at the Alex, Rugby

Graphics Quirky Arts Centre in Rugby Town Art at the Alex

Back in my January Blog, I told you about winning an award from “Art at the Alex” for my 2D work and my prize was to hold an exhibition at their gallery. They open on Fridays and Saturdays*, 10am until 4pm and my work will be in the “Bar Gallery” from 6th September until the 28th.

Why “Placefulness”?

"Under Control"

When looking at the 2D work I had selected for this exhibition, I realised they were predominantly of landscapes and architecture. These images reveal an emotional connection I have to a place. This can range from the memory of a brief observation of cows behind a farmer’s sign which made me laugh to childhood memories of bumping into my Aunties regularly on Market day.

two ladies together chatting and looking at market stalls.

"Quality Time"

I was trying to find a word that summed up these treasures; the feeling of a place and a moment in it. Struggling to find anything satisfactory, I resorted to a search engine but was bombarded by the negative word, “placelessness”. As far as I understand it, it means places that lack individuality, character and have been designed without any consideration for the location they are in or the particular group of people who live there.

decorative doorway lit by street lamp

"Good Old Stanley"

Unable to find it’s opposite meaning, I made up “placefulness”. It reminded me of “playfulness” and the creative, joyful spirit a place can possess in it’s tiny details.

Art at the Alex

front elevation of the Alexandra Art Arts Centre

72-73 James Street, Rugby CV21 2SL

Chris Pegler and Steve Davies bought the Alexandra Arms in February 2022. As a tavern it had been closed for a year and with an artistic “can do” attitude they set about turning it into a place to be creative.

Chris is a fibre artist and spins, weaves and dyes wool. Steve is a printer. Together they are resident artists and organise an incredible list of events: artist-led workshops, new exhibitions each month, open studios, group shows, Heritage Open Days, Warwickshire Open Studios, vintage fairs and studio sales. They sell affordable gifts and if you are exhausted after all of that, they also have a cafe!

Creating a Sense of Place

Art at the Alex "Bar Gallery"

Art at the Alex "Bar Gallery"

“Art at the Alex” has grown because of a couples’ vision for a disused building. This potential was understood by other local artists who were prepared to contribute their skills and ideas. Now it is very much a community hub; a special, unique place. I’m very grateful to be able to display my work there.

Section of "Placefulness" Exhibition

Section of "Placefulness" Exhibition

I hope you are able to visit this welcoming gallery. The John Barford Multi Storey Car Park is conveniently next door. (opening hours Friday and Saturday 08.00 - 19.00). Thank you for reading my blog.


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