Award Winning Embroidery

Rugby Open Exhibition 2023

With the arrival of 2024, 2023 has ended on a creative high. In October, I became aware of a call out to enter artwork for the Rugby Art Gallery and Museum Open Exhibition.

Front view of Rugby Art Gallery and Museum building.

The deadline to complete the online entry form was 13th November. As with most things reading the terms and conditions is important as there are always size limitations and specific requirements for labelling and hanging the work. In this case, the gallery wanted mirror plates attached to the frames in order to hang the work. It was fortunate for me that I had been working on my Italy embroideries as the work entered also had to be made in the last 18 months. Another restriction was that artists had to be resident in Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire or Coventry.

embroidery of a model being photographed infront of St.Mark's Basilica, Venice.

St. Mark’s Basilica, Venice Embroidery

After delivering this piece to the gallery on 17th November, it then went through a selection panel of: Penny Johnson, a Trustee of the Bridget Riley Foundation, Chris Orr RA, artist and printmaker, Ella Humphries, the People’s Choice Youth Award winner 2022 and Maggie O’Rourke, Mayor of Rugby Borough Council. By 21st November, I’d received an email to say I had been successful. Out of over 500 entries and only 240 places, they would display my work.

photograph of front of Alexandra Arts building.

Art at the Alex 2D Award

I was unable to attend the Awards and Preview Opening Event on 24th November so I was amazed when I received an email on 30th November congratulating me on winning the Art at the Alex 2D Award. The prize is to display my artwork at the premises in Rugby.

photograph of artist's mum looking at embroidery in exhibition.

Rugby Open 25th November 2023 - 3rd February 2024

Despite the pre-Christmas business, I managed to take my mum to see my work on display. It was thrilling to see the high quality of some of the artwork and such a variety of media. It has been confidence boosting to have my work accepted but when your mum tells you she’s proud of you; that’s the best.

Thanks for reading my blog .

Wishing you a Happy New Year. May it be full of blessings for you.


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